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Market Merchants

The market was covered with corregated roofing, tarps, and umbrellas. A tarp pulled aside gave me a view into the market, like peeking into a world from outside.

This picture reminded me that plastic wrap and plastic bags were everywhere in Laos, blowing in the wind, littering the roads and villages. I asked why people didn't throw this garbage away and I was reminded that until very recently (less than 20 years ago) all garbage was biodegradable. Plastic was new to Laos. And there were no garbage cans or garbage dumps. There was nowhere to throw something away!

When I noticed that Thailand had lots of garbage cans and an infrustructure to deal with garbage, I was told that Thailand was the same way as Laos was about 50 years ago. I will have to be patient and wait for the infrustructure to catch up to the change; the same way we are having to deal with global warming in the west.